Getting connected to God and others starts here.
We are better together.
Questions? Contact Pastor Cory Blackwell at 217-359-3631 or cory@champaignfaith.org.
Connect with one another and with God, so that we all might become transformed followers of Christ.
Discovery Sunday School
Sundays @ 9am
Each Sunday, this class of 20-30 gathers to care for one another discuss living out their faith. This Lent, they will be following our sermon series called A Meal with Jesus: Discovering Grace, Community, & Mission around the Table, drawing from Tim Chester's study of the same name.
Roscoe Pershing
Praying the Scriptures
Sundays @ 4pm
In-person, North Sanctuary of the church
Each Sunday, Pastor Cory leads a time of praying through the Scriptures from 4-5pm and will be focusing on Lenten passages. Each week, they'll use a centuries-old practice called Lectio Divina that helps us think on and pray through a passage of the Bible. Then, they'll follow with a short discussion and prayer. Our hopes are that this will be part group experience and part reflective worship experience. Childcare provided.
Pastor Cory Blackwell, 217-359-3631 or cory@champaignfaith.org
A Bible study group that is a fun group of theologically diverse people engaging in respectful discussion. This Lent, they’ll continue their exploration of Jesus in the Gospels to consider how best to love God and others—how best to live in a complex world.
Steve Briggs
Monday Night Life
Mondays @ 5:30-6:30pm at the church
A women’s group that meets weekly to talk about life, faith, and to learn how we can grow closer to God. This Lent, they will be using Susan Robb's Seven Words: Listening to Christ from the Cross. Come learn more about our compassionate God and the love of Christ. Contact Johnette Sparks to get involved or with any questions: sparks801@comcast.net
Johnette Sparks
Reaching Out​
1st, 3rd, & 4th Tuesdays @ 9am
In-person at the church - The Gathering Area
This group is dedicated to service within the church and community. By engaging in book discussions, they seek to more fully understand what they believe and how those beliefs impact their actions in the world. This Lent, they are moving through the book Fight Like Jesus: How Jesus Waged Peace throughout Holy Week by Jason Porterfield.
Pam Socie
Covenant Group
Tuesdays @ 7pm at the church
Tod and Belinda Courtney offer a place to talk about life and to grow in faith. This Lent, they will be continuing to thoughtfully explore how best to live in today’s world—offering grace and love to all we meet.
Tod & Belinda Courtney
Wednesday Warriors
Wednesdays @ 10am
For Lent, this group will be seeking to encounter Jesus through Liz Curtis Higgs' study called The Women of Easter. Their purpose is to be prayer warriors for each other, for their families, friends, church, and nation. They aim to support one another through whatever life throws our way, and they meet in person.
Ellen Mennenga, mennenga4@comcast.net
Wednesdays @ 6pm
This group is facilitated by Jim Matthews--with resourcing from our co-interim pastors Jan and Keith. This Lent, they will follow the Lenten sermon series called A Meal with Jesus: Discovering Grace, Community, & Mission around the Table, drawing from Tim Chester's study of the same name. Each week, they will discuss and unpack themes from the previous weekend's worship.
Thursday Morning Bible Study
Thursdays @ 9am
In an effort to embrace the love of Christ, this Lent the Thursday Morning Study will be using "Be Free (Galatians) - Exchange Legalism for True Spirituality" by Warren W. Wiersbe. Each week, they will gather to consider how best to follow God in a complex world and to support and encourage one another.
Russ Hannegan