This summer, we have joined Mahomet UMC and Champaign First in a sweet summer series. The series is “The Gospel According to Winnie-the- Pooh.” We will be writing sermons and sharing them with one another so that each congregation will hear roughly the same message each week. One Sunday, later in the summer, we will swap pulpits and you’ll meet one of my friends as she brings the message. The original book by A.A. Milne called Winnie the Pooh is available for purchase in the office for $7.
If you missed the first Sunday, pick up some honey sticks in the office and be sure to watch this short video AND take the time to determine which character you most identify with through this quiz. Hope to see you in worship this summer and bring a friend!
Oprah's Joy Test as developed by Alice D. Domar, PhD, a psychologist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and coauthor of Live a Little!
I could blow an entire rainy afternoon ________________________________________
When I was a kid, I used to love _____________________________________________
I’ve always wanted to become really good at ___________________________________
If I could do one thing every day of my life, it would be ___________________________
I can lose track of time when I’m _____________________________________________
Nothing clears my head like ________________________________________________
When I’m feeling drained, all I want to do is ____________________________________
I feel most connected to my body when I’m ____________________________________
In my daydreams, I imagine myself __________________________________________
I get a shot of energy when I _______________________________________________