Faith's United Women in Faith are a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in global ministries of the church.

TGIF Circle's Sweet Shop at the Fall Arts and Crafts Festival

Our two circles meet monthly from September through May and are the main way we connect with each other. While circle meetings are sometimes just for fun and fellowship, we work on mission projects at many of them. For example, Friendship Circle wraps gifts for Cunningham Children's Home one Saturday morning in early December.
We also have several activities for all of Faith's United Women in Faith including an annual fall fundraiser, UWF Sunday, Church Women United program and workdays at the Midwest Mission Distribution Center.
Through fundraising efforts and pledges, we support local mission including Cunningham Children's Home, Faith's UMC Food Pantry, ASP Faith Youth, the Daily Bread Soup Kitchen (backpack project), and global mission through district support, World Thank Offering, and many others.
All women of Faith Church are welcome at any United Methodist Women meeting. Learn more about our circles, projects, and missions by contacting us via email, calling the church office, or stopping by the information center on a Sunday morning.
Chili Cookoff and Trunk-or-Treat
We will host a Chili Cookoff and Trunk-or-Treat on October 27th. Openings for the Chili Cookoff will be available September 1st.
Upcoming Activities & Events (Helpers needed for items with *):
Please see the UWF news letter or emails for information. For questions email board president
Faith Church has two circles that meet monthly from September through May. Meeting information is in the church newsletter.
Friendship Circle
Meets the last Thursday of the month at 7PM at the church. (Child care is provided upon request).
Kathryn Wood Circle
Meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 9AM at the church (Child care provided upon request).